Emotions sans modération, a new generation of second-hand shop

FR - Emotions sans modération? A name evocating the imagination towards subtle, refined emotions, where our longing of discovery is reinforced by promises of adventures in the past, present and, why not, the future...



But... first of all, a bit of etymology to begin with...

If Edwige's warm-hearted people are known for their attachment to tradition,

we're not surprised that Edwige, the owner of Emotions sans modération, has managed to recreate

a very pleasant and welcoming second-hand shop,

combining antiques with with a café opening onto a verdant park...

From the surprising wealth of its second-hand goods (Ed),

we also find the obvious fight (wig) for the beautiful, the curious, the surprising, the offbeat...


Emotions sans moderation sylvie duplan



Emotions without moderation sylvie duplanHello Edwige,

Welcome to the Art of Living section of UzEssentiel.com,

You recently opened your café-brocante. What did you do before that?

I began my professional career in the United States and then followed in France in the industrial sector.

After several years as a teacher in various colleges, I set up a departmental association and then became national president of Avenir Dysphasie France (AAD-France - Association Avenir Dysphasie France) and vice-president of the FFDYS (Fédération Française des DYS (ffdys.com).

In this capacity, I was appointed to various departmental (MDPH) and government bodies under the auspices of the Ministries of Health and Education to help draft legislation, Official Bulletins, etc., including the recognition and care of people with dyslexia.

The end of my daughters' studies, the desire to leave the Paris region for the Uzège and, above all, the desire to realise a more personal project were all reasons to change my life! (1)


Emotions sans moderation sylvie duplan la vaisselle


Emotions sans moderation sylvie duplan best of


The café-brocante concept is a very friendly one, and it's a very successful one too. How did you come up with the idea?

For as long as I can remember, my love of beautiful things and memories of the lives of our ancestors has been a part of my daily life.

At Sunday lunchtimes, I'd slip away and go on a treasure hunt in the attics, cellars and outbuildings of my grandmothers. I'd discover trousseaux, crockery, old dinettes, old books and photos...

In a word, I quickly caught the bug for rummaging through sideboards and shelves, a clever mix of styles and objects steeped in a past, a forgotten daily life...

And then I wanted to open a multi-faceted structure, where a warm welcome would be paramount for the villagers and for visitors passing through. (2, 3)



I thought it was a good idea to combine a second-hand shop and a café, combining two activities that can complement each other. Everyone evokes a memory at the sight of an object or even the place, especially the park (!) and the conversation continues over a coffee.


Emotions sans moderation art photo jd


How did Emotions sans modération come about?

My husband and I visited this former silkworm farm 4 years ago and fell under its spell. However, it was a place that needed to be rethought, remodelled and renovated. It took us 2 and a half years.

We restored the interior, but also brought back to life the garden, a park that had witnessed many events in the past.

The result? A welcoming courtyard overlooking the house and the second-hand shop, inviting visitors to step into Granny's kitchen and stroll through the living room, where all the treasures of Emotions are on display without moderation. (4)


Emotions sans moderation presentation art photo jd


Emotions sans modération, a place to cherish the past... Tell us about it!

What are my favourite antiques? Crockery, as you may have guessed, but also old bathroom cabinets and their water jugs, books... in fact any decorative or utilitarian object that arouses an emotion. (5) 


Emotions sans moderation vers le cafe



When it comes to coffee, some of my earthenware or porcelain services add a somewhat old-fashioned touch that is so comforting when you're enjoying a hot drink, that little extra detail to the spirit that I wanted to convey to my guests through Emotions sans modération.

All the refreshments (including my delicious smoothies when the weather's nice!) can be enjoyed both inside the café, where the library adorns the walls and old postcards of Montaren remind older people of the village's history, and outside, in the park that can be seen through the French windows.

My husband and I have been won over by this je ne sais quoi of English countryside in the heart of Montaren and hope that we have succeeded in sharing our vision of the place by opening this setting, which is perfect for rest, writing and nonchalance for a day's visitor.

If you look hard enough, you will undoubtedly find the little labyrinth that hides there, which has also been redesigned, and who knows, you might come across a stone nymph lounging in the privacy of the foliage

Today, the park has been restored to its former glory, offering a charming backdrop of bucolic paths and shady alcoves where you can relax for a few timeless moments in one of the wrought-iron lounges.



Emotions sans moderation brocante vue

Exhibitions are welcome at your brocante, such as the current watercolours by American painter Kim Howard, or the enchanted bestiary by Claire Le Garff Dutilleul...

Indeed, it's always a pleasure to welcome guests. Philippe Dutilleul was the first to suggest exhibiting 24 of his works over several months. Since then, the suggestions have been pouring in: Artists, musicians, but also lecturers find the perfect place to express themselves, such as essayist and historian Pierre Lunel, who presented the internationally renowned spiritual and humanitarian figure Amma at the beginning of June.

Associations such as Pouffre Production, which promotes "live entertainment through multi-disciplinary and inter-generational projects", also come here as neighbours.


Emotions sans moderation balade dans le jardin


Photo shoots are planned for this summer for various brands... as well as an educational workshop, "My travel diary", which will be led by the mentioned watercolourist Kim Howard in October.

Of course, I'm always open to artistic and cultural collaboration!

Many thanks to Edwige de Bardonnèche for her warm welcome and collaboration on this article.

The right address:  @Emotions sans modération, 55 rue principale, Montaren-et-Saint-Médiers. Tel: 06 38 99 86 14. Open Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 12.30pm and 3.30pm to 6.30pm; Saturdays and Sundays, 10.30am to 1pm and 3.30pm to 6.30pm.

Visuals: 1, 2, 3 ©duplansylvie, 4, 5 ©artphoto_jd.

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