Summer pop up shop in Uzès

FR - A summer pop up shop will welcome you in Uzès. It's particularity? Exposing and selling recycled, vintage, upcycled articles...


Boutique ephemere aux bourgades a uze

Counting with the presence of @Plus que Cuir (read our paper Plus que cuir, leather jewellery) that we have met some time ago, and many other local craftmen from @Passe la seconde collective, the pop up shop will present second hand, vintage, recycled and upcycled items.


Who will be present


Plus que cuir, leather and wooden colored jewelry and decoration,

Typiquement vous, coach on how to arrange your storage space and dressing, sale of second hand clothes and accesories.

Boréal, 100 % Uzès made jewels, scarfs and bags for women,


Boutique ephemere uzes victoria garcia


Miladore, second hand fashion and toys from 0 to 16 years old, 

Recyclemain, upcycled fabric creations from Narbonne,

Retro Labo, a vintage shop of unique pieces of furniture and culinary art.


Where, When

The pop up shop will be open till the 28th of September, 21 rue du docteur Blanchard, June & September, Thursday to Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm, in July and August, everyday from 10 am to 7 pm.

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