L'effet Papillon, a 100% women community in Uzès

FR - Female entrepreneurship is possible in Uzès. And if you get together with the members of a 100% women's group, you'll have almost everything you need to start up or expand your business.

Follow us, we'll tell you all about it!


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Logo l effet papillon



If the women who set up, run and work for Gard-based businesses could spread the word, they'd tell their network about the existence of L'effet Papillon, a dynamic group with the wind in its sails. And with good reason!

Launched in January 2025 by Maud Richard, consultant and training coordinator, founder of the Objectif Qualiopi coaching scheme, and Annabelle Fesquet, interior designer and artistic director, founder of the Villa Azura boutique in Uzès, the group aims to boost business projects and the interpersonal skills so invaluable in generating contacts, new collaborations and new contracts...





‘A true entrepreneur at heart, I challenge myself every day

to bring real added value to managers.

A business project is, above all, a human adventure. (Maud Richard)



L'effet Papillon consists of regular meetings where members getting together through events such as the Monday morning coffee meetings, creating a unique and highly useful synergy for all women entrepreneurs, whether they are already established or have a well-thought-out or ready-to-go project.



‘L'effet Papillon? A collective that responds to the enthusiasm of the region's women entrepreneurs

(from sectors as varied as art, crafts, well-being, real estate, etc)

in their search for more professional connections at local level...

A great deal of energy can be felt at every meeting of the collective, and a desire to share their experience as they go round the table.

Collaborations are already being set up between the ever-growing number of members.

The Papillon effect is undoubtedly a structure that needs fine-tuning, but it already has great potential for projects to be considered and launched...’. Facial beauty according to Charlène, facialist in Uzès


Doing business as a woman is obviously possible, and knowing how to surround yourself with the right people is a true plus. Our community aims to offer cooperation, and even emulation, to help start-ups and other entreprises.

We are going to set up a series of workshops, on branding for example, where women will present their business and coach members.

The speakers will be able to answer participants' questions and talk about the problems inherent in running a business and managing professional and social networks.

The talents of some will be put to good use for the benefit of the group,’ explain Maud and Annabelle.



‘A women's network, a very pleasant discovery. An open-minded, caring and authentic group

A great way to understand the Uzès market!

The Papillon effect is also a rich mix of personalities, backgrounds and activities, some of which could prove complementary’

Zoom sur la réflexologie.


‘A good range of generation (from twenty to sixty years old members) and professional sectors within the group, that's also the strength of L'effet Papillon’ add the founders. 'Starting a business, taking over a business, retraining, everything is discussed, but always with a positive energy. People come to our meetings to learn about other careers, other activities, and even to establish partnerships.

At the start of this year, we already have around forty participants in our meetings, from sectors as varied as real estate, wellbeing, the legal field or art... All the professional worlds are represented'.



‘L'effet Papillon? It was an excellent idea to set up this all-female network in Uzès.

Some fine profiles, quite artistic in fact, are taking part.

The idea of helping each other, bringing new visions and perspectives to the table, is an amazing concept.

Getting out of our offices or workshops to meet women who are working to develop their businesses

in our ducal city is simply brilliant!

Many of them come from different professional backgrounds and cities, including Paris.

Seeing just how attractive Uzès can be makes me even prouder to work here! J.A.



'The aim of our community is to alternate between three types of meeting: synergy pools, think tanks where ideas and concepts can be presented and shared on specific themes... Subjects that are conjugated in the feminine and all of this, free to speak.

The fact that we're an association means we can support projects and organise pop-ups to showcase the talents of Uzès’.


Many thanks to Maud and Annabelle for their contribution to this article, and to Maud, Charlène and J.A. for their comments.

The right address: L'effet Papillon. To sign up for meetings, contact Maud and Annabelle at leffetpapillonuzes@gmail.com and follow L'effet Papillon on Instagram.

For further information: Maud Richard (Instagram), Annabelle Fesquet (Instagram).

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