Cucumber and feta madeleines

We have created and tested a delicious light recipe to start Septembre the best way possible.

Come on, it's easy !

madeleines salees concombre feta sel fou©nb UzEssentiel

Ingredients :

Peels of 2 cucumber, half feta pack, 2 ts of fresh cream or cottage cheese, some salt, 1 ts olive oil, a teaspoon of yeast, 200 to 250 g of Maïzena.



Preparation : 

Grate the peels of cucumber.

Add the fresh cream or cottage cheese, the salt and olive oil.

Dice the feta cheese, add it to the preparation.

Mix gently with the yeast and Maïzena.

Pour into buttered madeleines mold.

Put in a preheated oven (200º) and bake for some 25 mn.

It's ready, enjoy !


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