Madame Cookie's spongy chestnut cream biscuits

Here's a heart-warming recipe to make the most of autumn and winter.

Shared by Madame Cookie, to whom we are dedicating an article, these chestnut biscuits are sure to please the whole family!


Biscuits moelleux a la creme de marron 2For spongy, comforting chestnut cream biscuits sooooo comforting

Ingredients: 210 g almond powder, 3 tablespoons chestnut cream, 2 egg whites, 120 g icing sugar



Mix the almond powder and icing sugar.

Add the egg whites, mix and add the chestnut cream.

Strain the mixture and chill in the fridge for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 180º.

Put the pastry (be careful, it is very sticky...) into a pastry bag, place small balls of pastry on greaseproof paper, sprinkle with icing sugar and bake for about 15 minutes, watching regularly. They must not be overcooked, otherwise the biscuits will become hard and dry as they cool.


Many thanks to Madame Cookie for sharing this delicious recipe.

Read or re-read our article on The chesnut of the Cévennes.

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