Almond tree in bloom : a promise of spring and sweet treats to come

FR - You will not have missed it, nature is fully awakening. Flowers are showing the tips of their petals, the days are getting longer and it is budding everywhere!

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by Corine Meyer


But the ephemeral show not to be missed in the coming days is that of the almond trees in bloom. Symbol of love, the first fruit trees to bloom at the end of winter, its branches are adorned with a multitude of white flowers slightly tinged with pink. The contrast with the blue sky of Occitania is superb and the promise of warmer days to come can only delight you!


This beauty and precocity had not escaped Vincent Van Gogh, who painted the famous painting "Almond trees in bloom" following the birth of his godson (end of January 1890), in order to symbolize this new life.



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But who says almonds also says snacking, pastries and other delicacies. Well, did you know that there are almonds grown locally, using sustainable agriculture? That they have an intense aroma because they are not watered much? That the producers have a processing workshop on the farm and offer a wide and delicious range of almond-based products without GMOs, colorings or preservatives?

You will find this at one of the very few almond producers in France "Amandes et Olives du Mont Bouquet" in Bouquet. A beautiful story that of these two Alsatians, Laurence and Jean, who took the gamble of reviving the almond culture which had almost disappeared in France when they settled on this stony and arid land in 1996.

Starting from 3 hectares of fallow almond trees, the farm has grown considerably, employs 4 employees and is recognized for the quality of its products. So, run there while the almond trees are still in bloom to enjoy the scenery and why not, buy a few treats.

More information on Amandes et Olives du Mont Bouquet.

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