Climbing in the Gardon gorges

FR - The Gardon gorges, a biosphere reserve, are one of the most popular sites for rock climbing, thanks to an agreement between the Syndicat mixte des gorges du Gardon and the Fédération Française Montagne Escalade.


Escalade gorges du gardon


A wide range of routes, from novice to experienced climber

A number of climbing routes are accessible from Russan, after a visit to the Maison des gorges du Gardon in particular, and the Castellas site with 266 routes of various levels.

The steep slopes around the Pont Saint Nicolas and along the banks of the Collias river also have some great climbing routes: the Rouquette and Grotte de Pâques sites, for example, and some very promising names: Jour de printemps (Spring day) , Soleil noir (Black sun), Larmes de lune (Moon tears).

What a programme!




Escalade gorges du gardon


Follow the guide


Le Castellas

Situated near Sainte-Anastasie and Russan, this 15-40m limestone crag is suitable for all levels of climber. The 266 routes are particularly suitable for experienced or very experienced climbers.

Le Pont Saint-Nicolas

The Pont Saint-Nicolas site is on the left bank of the Gardon. As you walk along the paths overlooking the gorges, you can sometimes spot groups of climbers taking turns on the walls. Of more modest dimensions, between 10 and 15 m high, the 53 routes equipped for climbing are suitable for good climbers.


The Collias site is very popular for both climbing and rock-climbing, according to experts. There's the famous Grotte de Pâques (Easter cave), with 220 routes between 15 and 60 metres high, on the right bank of the Gardon, and the Rouquette sector, with 100 routes between 10 and 25 metres high, suitable for both novices and experienced climbers.


Source, more information on the Syndicat mixte des Gorges du Gardon.

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